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Customized strategies to keep you looking and feeling your best

Striving for a natural appearance that inspires confidence is an art. At Fairfield Dermatology we focus on your objectives to help you develop a refreshed and smooth skin tone and texture, healthy appearance, and shape. We can help you bring out your best.

We believe the most successful antiaging strategies are highly customized. By creating the most personalized treatment plan to achieve natural-looking outcomes, we can help you look and feel your best.

We consider these three phases in our approach:

• Preventative maintenance 20s and 30s
• Combination of prevention and correction 40s and 50s
• Advanced positive aging 60s and beyond

Injectables at Fairfield Dermatology encompass a family of specially selected products to help you achieve natural more youthful appearing skin. In the hands of your trusted board-certified dermatologists, we naturally smoothen forehead lines, soften laugh lines, minimize lipstick or smokers’ wrinkles and plump lips.

See for yourself.

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