Fractional Rejuvenation

Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing: an anti-aging treatment

What is Fractional CO2 laser rejuvenation?

Fractional CO2 laser treatments utilize a unique microablative technology to remove older, wrinkled and sun damaged skin restoring more youthful and smoother skin tone and texture. Over time, with sun exposure and other environmental insults, our skin begins to demonstrate advanced signs of aging – deep wrinkles, significant photo damage, keratoses, brown spots, poor skin texture and a wide variety of other challenging skin conditions. Fractional CO2 improves these skin conditions through laser ablation.

How does fractional CO2 laser treatment work?

Fractional CO2 laser treatments utilize a unique microablative technology that produces thousands of tiny microthermal zones or holes into the skin which then allows generation of new collagen, as well as dermal and epidermal skin cells. The result creates a more youthful and vibrant appearance to the skin, minimizing skin imperfections.

How much downtime is there?

One advantage of the lasers offered at Fairfield Dermatology is that downtime can be tailored to an individual’s lifestyle.   For the optimum outcome, redness and exfoliation are experienced for 3 to 7 days.  During that time, strict sun avoidance is recommended, and the application of emollient creams is required.

Will I see results right away?

Results can be observed as early as three days after the procedure and continue for several months after the final treatment session.  Collagen regeneration and final results require a process that varies from person to person.

What will I feel during the procedure?

A topical anesthetic is applied 45 minutes to an hour prior to the procedure.  Most patients describe a sunburn sensation during, and immediately after the procedure.    Cooling fans, sprays and gels are employed throughout and after the treatment to assist your comfort.